A Kufi is a small, brimless, knit or crocheted skull cap traditionally worn by Muslims, African Christians, and African Jews. Many Muslims believe that Muhammad kept his head covered, thus to follow his example depicts a holy act signifying religious status.
For centuries, many religions have used prayer rugs as part of daily worship practices.
As used by Muslims, prayer rugs are small pieces of fabric or carpeting placed between the ground and the worshiper. The rug has strong symbolic meaning and must be placed in a clean location during prayers, reflecting humility, a holy act, and respect to God.
Also in reverence to God, many who observe the Catholic faith kneel on small tufted cushions built into the pews.
Although Wiccan followers consider a circle to be their holy space, many contemporary worshipers place a prayer rug inside their designated circle.
Interfaith prayer rug:
XN-005 28″ X 46″
Multi-colored with dominant colors of white and grey with limited minor color of black and gold-colored tassels
Muslim prayer rug: 27″ X 47″
Multi-colored with dominant colors of white and grey with limited minor color of black
A skullcap worn by Jewish men during prayer services.
Medicine Bag
A small pouch worn by some Indigenous peoples of the Americas, containing sacred items.
Religious Jewelry
In the shape of a five pointed star, the Pentagram is used today as a symbol of faith for many Wiccans.
Each necklace will be breakaway and metal-free.
The Rosary, Catholic Cross, and Crucifix have been blessed Christian religious symbols for thousands of years.
Each necklace will be breakaway and metal-free.
The protestant cross, or Christian cross is the main religious symbol of Christianity. The figure of Christ usually does not appear on this cross.
Each necklace will be breakaway and metal-free.
Prayer beads for followers of the Nation of Islam.
Each necklace will be breakaway and metal-free.
Fusion Lotion
Oil-body lotion blend combines long-lasting oil fragrance with gentle lotion protection.
– Sandalwood
– Citron B
– Lavender
Softcover Books
K.J. Pocket Bible
NIV Spanish Bible
The Holy Qur’ân
A Wiccan Bible
Wicca Herbs & Oils Book
Native American Herbs Book
Native American Herbal Remedies Book